Ripple vs Bitcoin Cash

November 23, 2021

Introducing Ripple and Bitcoin Cash

Cryptocurrencies have garnered a lot of attention in recent years, with market fluctuations making headlines and attracting investors from all corners of the world. Two such cryptocurrencies that have been hotly debated are Ripple and Bitcoin Cash. In this post, we will take an objective look at the differences between the two, and help you make an informed decision on which one to invest in.

Ripple - The Fast Payment Network

Ripple, also known as XRP, is a digital payment network that is designed to enable the quick and easy transfer of money globally. It is designed to provide a low-cost and fast transfer experience, with transactions being processed within just a few seconds. The Ripple network uses its blockchain technology and consensus protocol to validate transactions, which makes it a decentralized platform. Ripple has a market capitalization of around $45 billion, making it one of the most popular cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin Cash - The Bitcoin Alternative

Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2017 as a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain. It was designed to address some of the scaling issues that Bitcoin faced, primarily by increasing the block size limit. Bitcoin Cash has a market capitalization of around $16 billion, which makes it one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies in the world.

Comparison - Ripple vs Bitcoin Cash

Transaction Speed

When it comes to transaction speed, Ripple is the clear winner. The Ripple network is designed to provide extremely fast transaction processing, with transactions being validated within just four seconds. This allows for the easy transfer of funds across borders, without having to wait for lengthy periods for funds to clear. In contrast, Bitcoin Cash transactions can take up to 10 minutes to be confirmed.


When it comes to scalability, both cryptocurrencies have made significant strides. However, Ripple has the upper hand in this regard as well. Ripple is capable of processing up to 1,500 transactions per second, while Bitcoin Cash can only process up to 60 transactions per second.

Token Distribution

Another key difference between Ripple and Bitcoin Cash is the way they distribute tokens. Ripple has a pre-determined number of tokens in circulation, with the majority being owned by the Ripple company. This makes it susceptible to centralization. On the other hand, Bitcoin Cash has a larger number of tokens in circulation, which makes it more decentralized in nature.


When it comes to adoption, both cryptocurrencies have a significant number of supporters. Ripple has partnered with various banks and financial institutions globally, including Santander, Standard Chartered, and American Express, which has helped it gain widespread adoption. Bitcoin Cash, on the other hand, has seen some notable businesses accepting it as a payment option, including, Expedia, and Subay.


In conclusion, both Ripple and Bitcoin Cash have their advantages and disadvantages. Ripple excels when it comes to transaction speed and scalability, making it an ideal option for those looking to send funds internationally. Bitcoin Cash, on the other hand, is cheaper to transact and has a more decentralized token distribution, which may appeal to some. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to personal preference and investment strategy.


  1. Ripple (XRP) price, market cap, charts, and fundamentals info.
  2. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) price, market cap, charts, and fundamentals info.
  3. What is Ripple? How Is It Different From Bitcoin?.
  4. What is Bitcoin Cash (BCH)? A Beginner’s Guide.

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